Water Quality Monitoring Reagent
Catalog Number Product Name Order Quantity
WQMR-8396 Mercuric Nitrate Titrating Solution, 2 oz, Dropper Bottle Inquiry cart
WQMR-8397 Phenol Red Tablet, 50-pack Inquiry cart
WQMR-8398 Iron Reagent Inquiry cart
WQMR-8399 Acid Demand Reagent (for Midget and Slide comparators), 2 oz, Dropper Bottle Inquiry cart
WQMR-8400 Total Hardness Reagent Inquiry cart
WQMR-8401 Copper Reagent Inquiry cart
WQMR-8402 Base Demand Reagent (for Midget and Slide Comparators), 2 oz, Dropper Bottle Inquiry cart
WQMR-8403 Deox Reagent Inquiry cart
WQMR-8404 Conductivity Solution 1000 μS (492 ppm NaCl) Inquiry cart
WQMR-8405 Conductivity Solution 2500 µS (1273 ppm NaCl) Inquiry cart

Our products and services are for research use only and cannot be used for any clinical purposes.

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