Water Nutrient Analysis

Water Nutrient Analysis

As a leading provider of environmental analytical services, CD BioSciences has dedicated decades of expertise to perfecting our water nutrient analysis capabilities, empowering our clients to make informed decisions and protect the delicate balance of our water resources.

Introduction to Water Nutrient Analysis

Nutrients, such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and their various forms, are essential for the growth and development of aquatic life. However, the excessive or imbalanced presence of these nutrients can lead to significant environmental challenges, including eutrophication, algal blooms, and depletion of dissolved oxygen levels. Accurate and reliable water nutrient analysis is paramount in identifying the root causes of these issues, guiding the implementation of effective mitigation strategies, and ensuring compliance with stringent water quality regulations.

Total phosphorus (TP) and total nitrogen (TN) analysis strategies for rivers and lakes.Fig. 1 Strategies for total phosphorus (TP) and total nitrogen (TN) analysis in rivers and lakes. (Nikolaidis N. P., et al., 2022)

Methods of Eutrophication Water Analysis

  • AHP-PCA (Analytic Hierarchy Process-Principal Component Analysis): A powerful multivariate technique that integrates expert knowledge and statistical analysis to prioritize the influential factors contributing to eutrophication.
  • TSIM (Modified Trophic State Index Method): A refined version of the widely-used Trophic State Index, offering a more nuanced and contextualized evaluation of the water body's nutrient status.
  • TLI (Trophic Level Index): A comprehensive approach that considers the interplay between various trophic levels to provide a holistic assessment of the ecosystem's eutrophication risk.
  • SCO (Scoring Method): A systematic scoring system that synthesizes multiple water quality indicators to derive a consolidated eutrophication evaluation.
  • Parametric, Biological, and Comprehensive Water Quality Identification Index Methods: A suite of complementary techniques that leverage both quantitative and qualitative data to paint a detailed picture of the water body's trophic condition.
  • Fuzzy Mathematical Operation, Gray Clustering, and Gray Situation Decision Methods: Advanced mathematical and statistical approaches that account for the inherent uncertainties and complexities associated with eutrophication assessment.
  • Neural Network Modeling: The application of artificial intelligence and machine learning to detect patterns, identify relationships, and predict eutrophication trends within the water system.

Our Services

Our water nutrient analysis services encompass a wide range of parameters, including Ammonia, Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen, Nitrate, Nitrite, Orthophosphate, Total Phosphate, and various dissolved and total nutrient forms. By offering this breadth of analysis, CD BioSciences empowers our clients to gain a holistic understanding of the nutrient dynamics within their water systems.

Flow Injection Analysis (FIA)

The FIA instruments' automated chemistry analyzers, combined with their high-speed sample processing capabilities, enable CD BioSciences to deliver results to our clients quickly, empowering them to make timely decisions regarding water treatment and nutrient management.

Segmented Flow Analysis (SFA)

Our SFA system is particularly adept at analyzing Total Phosphorus, Ammonia, and Nitrate/Nitrite. The inline digestion step integrated into the SFA process eliminates the need for separate digestion preparation, improving quality control and reducing the likelihood of re-analysis.

Specialized Techniques for Low-Level Detection

In cases where the lowest possible detection limits are required, our team of scientists utilizes manual spectrophotometric methods with specialized longer path cuvettes. This approach enables us to accurately measure nutrient concentrations at the parts-per-billion (μg/L) level, ensuring that even trace amounts of these critical parameters can be identified and addressed.

Ion Chromatography

For quantitative results on individual nutrient constituents, such as Nitrate and Nitrite, CD BioSciences employs Ion Chromatography, a complementary analytical technology that provides our clients with comprehensive and precise nutrient profiles.

Why Choose Us?

By combining our extensive expertise, state-of-the-art instrumentation, and a relentless commitment to quality, CD BioSciences is poised to be your trusted partner in navigating the complexities of water nutrient analysis. If you are interested in our services, please contact us for more information.


  1. Nikolaidis Nikolaos P., et al. "River and lake nutrient targets that support ecological status: European scale gap analysis and strategies for the implementation of the Water Framework Directive." Science of the Total Environment 813 (2022): 151898.

Our products and services are for research use only and cannot be used for any clinical purposes.

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