Total Phosphorus and Phosphate Pre-installed Reagent

Total Phosphorus and Phosphate Pre-installed Reagent

Catalog Number WQMR-8281


Description Total phosphorus phosphate pre-packed reagent, in acidic medium, orthophosphate and molybdate react, in the presence of antimony salt, generate phosphomolybdic heteropoly acid, which is immediately reduced to generate a blue complex, the depth of blue is proportional to the phosphate content, and the absorbance value is measured at a wavelength of 880m.
Total phosphorus phosphate pre-packed reagent, under acidic conditions, the sample and potassium persulfate are digested at 125°C for 30min, and all forms of phosphorus are oxidized to orthophosphate. In acidic medium, orthophosphate and molybdate react to generate a mixed phosphate/molybdate complex, in the presence of vanadium, a yellow phosphomolybdic heteropoly acid is generated, the depth of yellow is proportional to the phosphorus content, and the absorbance value is measured at a wavelength of 420m.


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