Soil Remediation Enzyme

Soil remediation is the process of removing or reducing contaminants in soil using a combination of microorganisms and enzymes. Soil remediation enzymes are biological catalysts that can break down or transform contaminants in soil, thereby restoring soil health and reducing the risk of environmental and health hazards. They are often derived from microorganisms or plants and have specific catalytic activities towards certain contaminants. Different enzymes with specific physicochemical properties act on specific substrates or contaminants and break them down.

To improve the stability and catalytic efficiency of enzymes in complex soil environments, enzymes are often immobilized on supporting materials such as carriers, polymers, or inorganic materials. This approach not only protects the enzymes from denaturation and degradation but also allows them to be reused and transported more conveniently.

CD BioSciences is a reputable and professional company in the industry. We provide high-level technical services and total solutions to deliver only the most satisfactory results for our clients. If you want to know more product information, please contact us now.

Catalog Number Product Name Order Quantity
SRE-7934 Soil Remediation Enzyme Preparation, Soil Nourishment and Efficiency Enhancement Type Inquiry cart
SRE-7935 Soil Repair Enzyme Preparation, Quality Improvement and High Yield Type Inquiry cart
SRE-7936 Soil Repair Enzyme Preparation, Immune Repair Type Inquiry cart
SRE-7937 Complex Enzyme·Earthworm Polysaccharide Inquiry cart
SRE-7938 Complex Enzyme·Earthworm Polypeptide Inquiry cart
SRE-7939 Enzyme-Containing Organic Fertilizer Inquiry cart
SRE-7940 Enzyme-Containing Fruit and Vegetable Compound Fertilizer Inquiry cart
SRE-7941 Water-Soluble Compound Fertilizer Inquiry cart
SRE-7942 Macro-Element Water-Soluble Fertilizer Inquiry cart
SRE-7943 Functional Fertilizer Inquiry cart

Our products and services are for research use only and cannot be used for any clinical purposes.

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