Soil Physical and Chemical Testing

Soil Physical and Chemical Testing

Soil plays a crucial role in our environment, providing the necessary foundation for agriculture, plant growth, and ecosystem sustainability. At CD BioSciences, we are proud to offer comprehensive soil physical and chemical testing services to help unravel the mysteries hidden within the earth and provide valuable insights for sustainable land use.

What are Soil's Physical and Chemical Properties?

Soil is a complex mixture of minerals, organic matter, water, and air. Its physical and chemical properties determine its fertility, nutrient availability, water-holding capacity, and overall suitability for plant growth. Soil physical properties include texture, structure, bulk density, porosity, and water retention, while chemical properties encompass pH, nutrient content, cation exchange capacity (CEC), and organic matter content.

A case study of soil physicochemical properties and microbial community characteristics analysis.Fig. 1 An example of soil physicochemical property analysis. (Duan C., et al., 2022)

What are the Different Types of Soil Testing?

  • Physical Soil Tests

Physical soil tests are designed to evaluate the physical characteristics of the soil, providing insights into its structure, texture, density, and other relevant properties. These tests help determine the soil's ability to retain nutrients and water, its permeability, and the risk of compaction.

  • Chemical Soil Tests

Chemical soil tests focus on analyzing the chemical composition of the soil, providing information on pH levels, nutrient content, organic matter, and cation exchange capacity. These tests help determine the soil's acidity or alkalinity, nutrient availability, and its capacity to hold and release essential elements.

  • Total Nutrient Digestion (TND)

The Total Nutrient Digestion (TND) test goes beyond traditional extract tests by providing a comprehensive assessment of the soil's nutrient potential. While extract tests measure nutrient availability, the TND test determines the soil's net worth in terms of nutrients.

  • Haney Tests

Developed by Dr. Rick Haney, Haney tests provide a comprehensive analysis of soil health parameters, including nutrient availability, pH levels, microbial activity (soil respiration), and organic matter content.

  • pH/Soil Acidity Tests

pH/Soil acidity tests are essential for determining the soil's pH levels, which directly influence nutrient uptake, plant productivity, and crop growth.

  • Soil Salinity Tests

Soil salinity tests are used to assess the salt content in the soil. Excess salt levels can inhibit nutrient uptake and impede crop growth. All kinds of analysis methods of soil salt including the evaporation of total soluble salts (TSS) and measuring the electrical conductivity (EC) of saturated paste extracts or diluted water-earth solutions.

  • PLFA Tests

Phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) tests are used to analyze the components of cell membranes in soil microbes. While PLFA tests do not directly measure soil properties, they offer valuable insights into the microbial community composition and its potential impact on nutrient cycling, disease suppression, and soil health.

  • Microscopy

By visualizing the diverse array of microorganisms present in the soil, microscopy allows us to study their morphology, diversity, and interactions. This analysis further enhances our understanding of soil biology, nutrient cycling pathways, and the role of microorganisms in soil health and ecosystem functioning.

Our Services

At CD BioSciences, we take pride in offering state-of-the-art soil properties testing services backed by years of experience and expertise. Our team of highly skilled scientists and technicians utilize advanced analytical techniques and cutting-edge equipment to provide accurate and reliable results.

Soil Physical Properties Testing Services

  • Texture Analysis: Using the hydrometer method or laser diffraction to determinethe particle size distribution of soil samples, allowing for classification into sand, silt, and clay fractions.
  • Bulk Density Measurement: Employing the core sampling method to determine the mass of soil per unit volume, helping assess soil compaction and porosity.
  • Soil Structure Analysis: Conducting visual and tactile assessments to identify soil structure types, such as granular, blocky, or platy, and evaluating their impact on water movement and root penetration.
  • Water Retention Capacity: Utilizing pressure plate apparatus or soil moisture characteristic curves to determine the soil's ability to hold and release water.

Soil Chemical Properties Testing Services

  • pH Analysis: Employing pH meters or indicators to determine the soil's acidity or alkalinity levels, providing insights into nutrient availability and microbial activity.
  • Nutrient Analysis: Utilizing various analytical methods, such as colorimetry or inductively coupled plasma spectroscopy, to quantify essential nutrients and trace elements present in the soil.
  • Organic Matter Content: Evaluating the percentage of organic matter using loss-on-ignition or dry combustion methods, helping assess soil fertility, carbon sequestration potential, and water-holding capacity.
  • Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC): Employing extraction methods and ion-selective electrodes to measure the soil's ability to retain and exchange cations, influencing nutrient availability and soil fertility.

Soil Biological Properties Testing Services

  • Microbial Analysis: Utilizing molecular techniques, such as DNA extraction, polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and next-generation sequencing, to assess microbial diversity and abundance in soil samples.
  • Enzyme Activity Measurement: Employing spectrophotometric or fluorometric assays to quantify the activity of key soil enzymes involved in organic matter decomposition, nutrient cycling, and soil health.
  • Soil Respiration Testing: Conducting respirometry or gas chromatography analyses to measure carbon dioxide emissions from the soil, providing insights into microbial activity and overall soil health.

Soil physical and chemical testing services provided by CD BioSciences offer invaluable insights into the intricate properties of soil. By analyzing soil texture, structure, nutrient content, pH, and microbial activity, our testing services assist in making informed decisions regarding soil management, nutrient optimization, and sustainable agriculture practices. If you are interested in our services, please contact us for more information.


  1. Duan Chengwei, et al. "Analysis on the soil physical, chemical, and microbial community properties of different alpine meadow patches in the Source Zone of the Yellow River, West China." Ecological Indicators 144 (2022): 109531.

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