Soil Microbial Inoculant

Soil Microbial Inoculant

Catalog Number A-1031

Description Soil Microbial Inoculant is a microbial inoculant featuring a synergistic blend of naturally occurring soil microbes. It is formulated to decompose and boost organic matter in the soil while releasing trapped carbon and essential nutrients. When used, Soil Vigor helps farmers enhance soil health, improve fertilizer efficiency, increase nutrient uptake, and bolster plant resistance to diseases and pathogens.


• Restores beneficial soil bacteria
• Improves soil quality and fertility
• Releases bound nutrients
• Stimulates biological activity
• Expands robust root systems
• Promotes plant growth and increases yield
• Regulates pH under acidic and alkaline conditions
• Reduces the use of inorganic fertilizers
• Decreases toxic compound residues in the soil

Mode Of Action

• Soil Vigor works by establishing a robust rhizospheric microbial community to support crop development in intensive agriculture and enhance soil regeneration. It promotes biological nitrogen fixation, making atmospheric nitrogen available to plants; facilitates phosphate solubilization, ensuring that bound phosphates are accessible; stimulates phytohormone production, improving plant health and increasing nitrate nitrogen availability; mobilizes and mineralizes essential soil nutrients for better plant uptake; and supports saprophytic competence, allowing beneficial microbes to outperform native soil microbes.


• For homemade biofertilizer, use 1 kg of organic fertilizer per metric ton, and it can be mixed with any type of fertilizer.
• Apply 7.5 kg per hectare as a soil drench or through irrigation starting from the beginning of crop planting. Reapply every 10 to 12 weeks, during periods of crop stress, or when the crops have high nutrient demands.
• To prepare the mixture, brew 1,000 g of Soil Vigor in at least 20 liters of non-chlorinated water for a minimum of 4 hours. Then, dilute the brewed solution with an additional 250 liters of water.


CD BioSciences is a well-known professional company in the industry. We provide a wide range of bio-environmental products, including bio-based materials, biomass fuels, green building materials, bio-environmental enzymes, bio-environmental microorganisms, etc. Please feel free to explore.

Our products and services are for research use only and cannot be used for any clinical purposes.


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