Soil DNA Sequencing
Different chemical, physical, and biological wastewater treatment methods.

Soil is a complex ecosystem teeming with microscopic life forms, including bacteria, fungi, archaea, and viruses. These microorganisms play vital roles in nutrient cycling, soil health, and overall ecosystem functioning. Understanding the composition and diversity of the soil microbiome is crucial for sustainable agriculture, environmental management, and the development of innovative solutions to address global challenges such as climate change and food security.

At CD BioSciences, we are a leading biological specialist company dedicated to unraveling the mysteries of the soil microbiome through advanced soil DNA sequencing services.

Introduction to Soil DNA Sequencing

Soil DNA sequencing is a powerful molecular technique that allows us to identify and characterize the diverse microbial communities present within the soil. By extracting DNA from soil samples and sequencing specific genetic regions, such as the 16S rRNA gene for bacteria or the ITS region for fungi, we can determine the taxonomic composition and abundance of microorganisms present. This information provides a window into the complexity and functionality of the soil microbiome.

The main steps of an amplicon sequencing analysis workflow.Fig. 1 Key stages in an amplicon sequencing analysis workflow. (Lehmann J., et al., 2020)

Strategies for Soil DNA Sequencing


Sample Collection and Preparation

Proper sample collection is crucial for obtaining representative soil DNA. Our experienced team follows rigorous sampling protocols, considering factors such as soil depth, location, and land use history. We employ aseptic techniques to minimize contamination and preserve the integrity of the microbial DNA during the collection process.


DNA Extraction and Purification

We employ state-of-the-art DNA extraction methods optimized for soil samples, ensuring the efficient recovery of DNA from diverse microbial taxa. Our extraction protocols minimize inhibitory substances and maximize DNA yield, enabling accurate downstream analysis.


Amplicon Sequencing

Amplicon sequencing, targeting specific genetic regions of interest, is a widely used approach in soil DNA sequencing. At our company, we utilize high-throughput next-generation sequencing technologies to generate vast amounts of sequencing data, providing detailed insights into the soil microbiome's taxonomic structure.


Bioinformatics Analysis

The analysis of soil DNA sequencing data requires sophisticated bioinformatics pipelines. Our skilled bioinformatics team utilizes advanced algorithms and software tools to process and interpret the massive amounts of raw sequence data. We employ quality control measures and statistical analyses to generate comprehensive reports for our clients.

Our Services

At CD BioSciences, we offer a comprehensive suite of soil DNA sequencing services tailored to meet the specific needs of our clients. Our services encompass a wide range of applications, including:

Microbial Community Analysis

We provide in-depth analysis of soil microbial communities, unraveling their taxonomic composition and diversity. Our advanced bioinformatics pipelines enable us to generate informative visualizations such as heatmaps, bar plots, and rarefaction curves, giving our clients a holistic understanding of their soil microbiomes.

Functional Gene Profiling

Understanding the functional potential of the soil microbiome is crucial for predicting ecosystem processes and nutrient cycling. Through metagenomic sequencing, we can assess the presence and abundance of functional genes involved in nitrogen fixation, carbon cycling, and other essential soil processes.

Longitudinal Studies

Tracking changes in the soil microbiome over time is vital for understanding the impacts of land management practices, climate change, and other factors. Our longitudinal studies utilize repeated soil DNA sequencing to monitor temporal dynamics, enabling informed decision-making for sustainable land use.

Comparative Studies

Comparing soil microbiomes across different soil types, land use practices, or geographic regions provides valuable insights into the factors shaping microbial diversity and functioning. Our comparative studies leverage advanced statistical analyses to identify key differences and similarities among soil microbiomes, aiding in the development of targeted management strategies.

Different soil types harbor distinct microbial communities and exhibit unique ecological characteristics. Through our soil DNA sequencing services, we can unravel the microbial diversity and function specific to different soil types. Whether it is sandy soils, clay soils, loam soils, or any other soil type, our comprehensive analysis provides valuable insights into the microbial composition andactivity within each soil type.

Why Choose Us?

At CD BioSciences, our advanced soil DNA sequencing services provide comprehensive analysis, enabling a deeper understanding of microbial communities, their functions, and their responses to various soil types and management practices. If you are interested in our services, please contact us for more information.


  1. Alteio Lauren V., et al. "A critical perspective on interpreting amplicon sequencing data in soil ecological research." Soil Biology and Biochemistry 160 (2021): 108357.

Our products and services are for research use only and cannot be used for any clinical purposes.

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