Soil and Solid Waste Testing and Analysis

Soil and Solid Waste Testing and Analysis

At CD BioSciences, we adopt a comprehensive and cooperative strategy to tackle the soil and solid waste management requirements of our clients. Our team of specialists collaborates with you to craft personalized sampling and analysis schemes, interpret findings, and offer evidence-based guidance for successful environmental management plans.

Introduction to Soil and Solid Waste

Solid waste and soil are vital elements of the environment that play a crucial role in human well-being and ecological harmony. Soil, the surface layer where plants thrive, is a multifaceted and ever-changing system comprised of minerals, organic materials, water, air, and a wide variety of living beings. It acts as the cornerstone of terrestrial ecosystems, offering necessary nutrients, water, and structural support for plant development.

On the other hand, solid waste refers to any discarded material in a solid or semi-solid state, including municipal solid waste (MSW), industrial waste, and hazardous waste. Improper management and disposal of solid waste can lead to environmental contamination, pollution of air, water, and soil, and pose serious threats to public health and safety.

Per capita waste production by region.Fig. 1 Waste generation per capita by region. (Meena M. D., et al., 2019)

Methods of Soil and Solid Waste Testing and Analysis


Soil Testing and Analysis

Cutting-edge analytical methods, including spectroscopy, chromatography, and mass spectrometry, are utilized to precisely measure and analyze the composition and levels of contaminants in soil. These techniques offer in-depth understanding of the soil's appropriateness for different land applications, its ability to sustain plant life, and the potential hazards associated with soil pollution.


Solid Waste Testing and Analysis

Assessments of solid waste aid in categorizing the waste, assessing its appropriateness for various treatment or disposal techniques, and verifying adherence to environmental standards. State-of-the-art methods, such as sequential extraction, thermal analysis, and bioassays, offer a holistic comprehension of the waste's makeup and likely environmental implications.

Our Services

As a leading environmental services provider, we offer a comprehensive suite of soil and solid waste testing and analysis services to support our clients' environmental management efforts. Our team of highly trained scientists and technicians utilize state-of-the-art analytical equipment and adhere to rigorous quality control protocols to ensure the accuracy and reliability of our results.

Soil Testing and Analysis Services

  • Soil quality assessment for various land uses (e.g., agricultural, residential, industrial)
  • Contaminated site investigation and risk assessment
  • Soil remediation monitoring and verification
  • Agricultural soil nutrient analysis and recommendations
  • Soil carbon sequestration potential evaluatio

Solid Waste Testing and Analysis Services

  • Waste characterization and classification
  • Hazardous waste identification and profiling
  • Leachability and toxicity testing
  • Biodegradability and compostability assessments
  • Waste-to-energy potential evaluation

Our comprehensive soil and solid waste testing and analysis services cover a wide range of parameters, including:

Soil Testing Parameters

  • Physical properties: moisture content, pH, density, porosity, texture, and structure
  • Chemical properties: heavy metals (e.g., lead, cadmium, mercury, arsenic), organic compounds (e.g., pesticides, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons), nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium), salinity, and cation exchange capacity
  • Biological properties: microbial diversity, enzymatic activity, and soil organic matter content

Solid Waste Testing Parameters

  • Physical properties: density, particle size distribution, and appearance
  • Chemical properties: pH, organic content, presence of hazardous substances (heavy metals, volatile organic compounds, persistent organic pollutants)
  • Leaching characteristics: potential for contaminants to leach into the environment
  • Biological properties: biodegradability, presence of pathogenic microorganisms

Why Choose Us?

We understand that every site and project has unique challenges, which is why we tailor our services to meet your specific requirements. Our goal is to empower our clients with the knowledge and tools necessary to make informed decisions, ensure regulatory compliance, and promote sustainable environmental practices. If you are interested in our services, please contact us for more information.


  1. Meena Murli Dhar, et al. "Municipal solid waste (MSW): Strategies to improve salt affected soil sustainability: A review." Waste management 84 (2019): 38-53.

Our products and services are for research use only and cannot be used for any clinical purposes.

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