Red nucleus apoptosis kit

Catalog Number CBAK-8006

Description The red nucleus apoptosis kit utilizes the RedNucleus II far-red dye for rapid staining of nuclei/dsDNA in dead and permeabilized cells, and thus cell activity analysis. RedNucleus II is an ideal alternative to propidium iodide (PI) and 7-AAD for better spectral properties in combination with Annexin V-PE without compensating adjustments.

Basic Information

Specification 10 T, 50 T, 100 T
Applicable Equipment Fluorescence microscope, flow cytometer
Excitation/Emission Wavelength (Ex/Em) 488 nm/578 nm

Storage & Transportation

Storage Store at 4°C and do not freeze.
Transportation Conditions Transportation at room temperature.


• This product is used for early apoptosis detection.

Personal Protective Equipment

• Gloves, safety glasses and masks.


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