Probiotics For Ruminants

Catalog Number AH-1045

Description Probiotics For Ruminants is a probiotic feed containing a variety of gut-friendly microbes that enhance the digestion of food in ruminants. It improves food digestibility and accelerates nutrient absorption, thereby boosting the Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR) and increasing biomass.


• Faster growth rate (10%~20%) and shorter breeding period
• Increase feed intake and improve feed conversion rate (8%)
• Rapidly address intestinal microbiome imbalances, including diarrhea
• Increase lean meat yield in sheep and cattle
• Enhance immunity and disease resistance, reducing diarrhea incidence
• Lower feed costs
• Reduce the risk of ruminal acidosis
• Decrease nitrogen emissions and greenhouse gases


• Use 150 to 300 grams per metric ton of complete feed.
• For premixes and concentrates, the dosage should be 0.1%.


CD BioSciences is a well-known professional company in the industry. We provide a wide range of bio-environmental products, including bio-based materials, biomass fuels, green building materials, bio-environmental enzymes, bio-environmental microorganisms, etc. Please feel free to explore.

Our products and services are for research use only and cannot be used for any clinical purposes.


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