Poultry Probiotic

Poultry Probiotic


Poultry ProBiotic enhances bird health by protecting against common pathogens like coccidiosis, colibacillosis, and airsacculitis. It produces antimicrobial metabolites and beneficial enzymes that improve feed efficiency by breaking down complex polysaccharides and proteins. The product contains non-toxic bacteria, thrives in various conditions, and forms spores that persist in waste. These spores act as biofertilizers, increasing soil iron and stimulating plant and root growth while protecting against plant pathogens.

Packaging specifications



Protects against various bacterial and fungal pathogens, including coccidiosis, colibacillosis, and airsacculitis
Maximizes feed efficiency with enzymes that break down complex carbohydrates (e.g., plant fibers) and proteins
Boosts phytase production to convert plant-based phytic acid into bioavailable phosphorus
Formulated with beneficial bacteria, ensuring safety for both humans and animals
Functions effectively across a broad range of pH, temperature conditions, and both aerobic and anaerobic environments
Survives in poultry waste and acts as a biofertilizer, promoting plant and root growth


CD BioSciences is a well-known professional company in the industry. We provide a wide range of bio-environmental products, including bio-based materials, biomass fuels, green building materials, bio-environmental enzymes, bio-environmental microorganisms, etc. Please feel free to explore.

Our products and services are for research use only and cannot be used for any clinical purposes.


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