Phosphate Activator

Catalog Number A-1029

Description Phosphate Activator enhances phosphate availability, promoting increased root development and larger leaf areas. This inoculant contains the naturally occurring soil fungus Penicillium bilaiae (P. bilaiae), which colonizes plant roots and releases soil-bound phosphate, making it more accessible for crop uptake. While Penicillium bilaiae, the active ingredient in Phos Activator, does not replace the need for phosphate fertilizers, it improves phosphate access, potentially leading to higher crop yields.


• Corn
• Sunflower
• Sorghum
• All wheat
• Peanut
• Sugar beet
• Rice
• Soybean
• Peas


• Enhances phosphate utilization and boosts early vigor
• Promotes root and stem growth
• Achieves earlier and more uniform maturity
• Supports greater stress tolerance and earlier development
• Increases yield potential
• Improves plant nutrition, enabling better response to environmental stress
• Greater survival potential for winter wheat
• Active under cool soil temperatures when phosphate availability is low

Mode Of Action

• Freeing Phosphate: Penicillium bilaiae releases bound mineral forms of soil and fertilizer phosphate, making it more accessible to plants. Efficient utilization of fertilizer phosphate is essential for maximizing yield potential.


• For optimal results, apply 1.5 grams per square meter as a soil drench as early as possible.
• This product can be applied using commercial seed application equipment.
• Ensure that applicators previously used for pesticides are triple rinsed before using them for Phos Activator.
• Phos Activator is compatible with all nitrogen-fixing rhizobial inoculants. To mix with a liquid inoculant, first dissolve the Phos Activator in a small amount of the liquid inoculant to facilitate mixing, then add this mixture to the remaining liquid Rhizobia inoculant and mix thoroughly. No additional water is needed.


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