Parts Washer Solution Tabs

Catalog Number PG-1075

Description Parts Washer Solution Tabs contain beneficial bacteria that efficiently consume modified petroleum hydrocarbons. Designed for use in aqueous parts washer solutions, these tabs help clean oil and hydrocarbons from the solution, significantly extending its lifespan. The microbes are safe and selected for their ability to bioremediate various petroleum products on mechanical parts. This innovative solution helps maintain and prolong the effectiveness of your cleaning solution.

Packaging specifications

• Powder/Tab


• Extends the life of aqueous parts washer solutions by over three times
• Breaks down all types of petroleum products and FOG (Fats, Oils, and Grease) in parts washer solutions
• Completely safe, non-toxic, chemical-free, and biodegradable
• Produces its own biosurfactants, along with specific enzymes, to help emulsify oils and fats


CD BioSciences is a well-known professional company in the industry. We provide a wide range of bio-environmental products, including bio-based materials, biomass fuels, green building materials, bio-environmental enzymes, bio-environmental microorganisms, etc. Please feel free to explore.

Our products and services are for research use only and cannot be used for any clinical purposes.


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