Ocean Sediments Analysis

Ocean Sediments Analysis

Ocean sediments hold a wealth of information about Earth's history and the intricate dynamics of our planet. CD BioSciences is dedicated to unlocking the secrets hidden within these sediments through our advanced analysis services.

Overview of Ocean Sediments

Ocean sediments, also known as marine sediments, are the accumulation of various materials that settle on the seafloor. These sediments play a crucial role in understanding Earth's history, climate patterns, and the complex interactions between the oceans and the land. Composed of a diverse range of materials, ocean sediments hold valuable information about past environments and provide insights into geological processes.

Schematic diagram of marine sediment analysis strategy.Fig. 1 Strategies for marine sediment analysis. (Kuznetsova O. V., et al., 2022)

Types of Ocean Sediments

From a scientific perspective, ocean sediments can be classified into several types based on their origin, composition, and distribution. Understanding these different types of sediments is essential for comprehensive analysis and interpretation of their properties. Let's explore some key types of ocean sediments:

Lithogenous Sediments

Lithogenous sediments are derived from the weathering and erosion of rocks on land. These sediments consist of various minerals, such as quartz, feldspar, clay minerals, and iron oxides. They are transported by rivers, wind, and glaciers before settling on the seafloor.

Biogenous Sediments

Biogenous sediments are primarily composed of the remains of marine organisms. These include shells, skeletal fragments, and microscopic organisms like diatoms and foraminifera. The accumulation of biogenous sediments provides valuable information about past marine ecosystems and can help reconstruct paleoclimate conditions.

Hydrogenous Sediments

Hydrogenous sediments form through chemical precipitation from seawater. They include minerals like manganese nodules, iron and manganese oxides, and phosphates. These sediments are often associated with specific oceanic conditions and can provide insights into geochemical processes occurring in the water column.

Cosmogenous Sediments

Cosmogenous sediments originate from extraterrestrial sources, such as meteorites. They contain minerals like cosmic dust and microtektites, which can be found in specific areas of the seafloor. The study of cosmogenous sediments helps us understand the history of celestial events and their impact on Earth.

Our Services

At CD BioSciences, we offer comprehensive ocean sediment analysis services to unlock the secrets hidden within these remarkable deposits.

Sediment Grain Size Analysis

We determine the distribution of sediment grain sizes using sieving and laser particle size analysis. This information helps us understand sediment transport processes, sedimentation rates, and depositional environments.

Mineralogical Analysis

We employ techniques such as X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) to identify and quantify the mineralogical composition of sediments. This analysis provides insights into geological processes and the sources of sediment materials.

Contaminant Analysis

Our specialized chemical analysis group utilizes advanced instrumentation to detect and quantify various contaminants in ocean sediments. This includes the analysis of PAHs, PCBs, PBDEs, TPH, TBT, specific pesticides, and metals. Accurate identification and quantification of contaminants help assess potential risks and impacts on the marine environment.

Isotopic Analysis

Isotopic analysis assists in tracing the sources of sediment materials and understanding biogeochemical processes. Stable isotopes, such as carbon and nitrogen isotopes, provide valuable insights into nutrient cycling, carbon sequestration, and ecological interactions in marine ecosystems.

By employing cutting-edge technology and a multidisciplinary approach, we provide accurate and comprehensive analysis of sediment composition, origin, and potential contaminants. Our commitment to scientific excellence ensures that our clients receive valuable insights that contribute to a better understanding. If you are interested in our services, please contact us for more information.


  1. Kuznetsova Olga V., and Andrei R. Timerbaev. "Marine sediment analysis–A review of advanced approaches and practices focused on contaminants." Analytica Chimica Acta 1209 (2022): 339640.

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