Magnetic Measurement Service

Magnetic Measurement Service

Magnetic measurements are advanced analytical techniques used to evaluate the magnetic properties of materials, which are intrinsically linked to their mechanical, structural, and environmental characteristics. These measurements are particularly valuable for analyzing environment-friendly materials, such as biodegradable metals, recycled alloys, and sustainable composites, as they provide non-destructive, rapid, and precise insights into material behavior. By leveraging the relationship between magnetic properties and material performance, magnetic measurements enable researchers and industries to optimize the design, production, and application of eco-friendly materials.

Principles of Magnetic Measurement

The principles of magnetic measurement are rooted in fundamental electromagnetic theory. When a material is subjected to an external magnetic field, its internal magnetic moments align with the field, resulting in measurable changes in magnetic properties. This phenomenon is particularly pronounced in ferromagnetic materials, which exhibit strong magnetic responses due to their unique atomic structure. The key principles include:

  • Magnetostriction: This is the change in the dimensions of a ferromagnetic material when it is magnetized. The resulting strain can be measured and correlated with the material's mechanical properties.
  • Magnetic Hysteresis: The relationship between magnetization and the applied magnetic field in ferromagnetic materials is non-linear and exhibits hysteresis. This behavior provides critical information about the material's microstructure and magnetic domain interactions.
  • Electromagnetic Induction: Techniques such as Eddy Current Testing and Electromagnetic Acoustic Transducers (EMAT) utilize induced currents or ultrasonic waves to detect defects and measure properties related to mechanical behavior.

Advantages of Magnetic Measurement

Magnetic measurements offer numerous advantages for analyzing environment-friendly materials:

  • Non-Destructive Testing: Magnetic measurements do not alter or damage the material, making them ideal for quality control and in-line inspection.
  • High Sensitivity: These techniques can detect subtle changes in microstructure, stress, and defects, ensuring precise material characterization.
  • Rapid and Real-Time Analysis: Magnetic measurements provide immediate results, enabling efficient decision-making in research and production processes.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: By reducing the need for destructive testing and extensive sample preparation, magnetic measurements lower operational costs.
  • Versatility: Applicable to a wide range of ferromagnetic materials, including recycled alloys, biodegradable metals, and sustainable composites.

Our Services

At CD BioSciences, we specialize in providing cutting-edge magnetic measurement services tailored to the analysis of environment-friendly materials. Our state-of-the-art equipment and expert team ensure accurate, reliable, and efficient results for a wide range of applications.

Barkhausen Noise Analysis (BNA) For stress, hardness, and microstructural evaluation.
Magnetic Hysteresis Loop Measurement For assessing coercivity, remanence, and hysteresis loss.
Eddy Current Testing For detecting surface and near-surface defects.
Magnetic Flux Leakage (MFL) For identifying subsurface flaws and structural integrity.
Magnetoacoustic Emission (MAE) For combined magnetic and acoustic analysis of stress and microstructure.

Sample Requirements

  • Material Type: Ferromagnetic materials, including steels, nickel alloys, and sustainable composites.
  • Surface Condition: Smooth surfaces are preferred for accurate measurements.
  • Size and Shape: Compatible with sensor and measurement setup; complex geometries may require specialized probes.
  • Stress State: Representative of actual stress conditions for accurate correlation.

Workflow of Magnetic Measurement

Sample Preparation

Ensuring the sample meets surface and size requirements.

Measurement Setup

Selecting the appropriate technique and calibrating equipment.

Data Acquisition

Collecting magnetic property data using advanced sensors.

Analysis and Interpretation

Correlating magnetic properties with mechanical and structural characteristics.


Providing detailed results and recommendations for material optimization.

By combining scientific rigor with innovative technology, CD BioSciences empowers researchers and industries to achieve excellence in the analysis and optimization of sustainable materials. Our magnetic measurement services are designed to meet the highest standards of accuracy, reliability, and environmental responsibility. If you are interested in our services, please contact us for more information.

Our products and services are for research use only and cannot be used for any clinical purposes.

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