Beneficial Soil Bacteria

Beneficial Soil Bacteria


Beneficial Soil Bacteria is a microbial blend that produces various enzymes to break down and release previously unavailable soil nutrients, enhancing nutrient bioavailability, increasing yield, and reducing disease incidence. BSB maintains a balanced microbial ecosystem and soil structure over multiple cycles, is water-soluble, and effective across diverse temperatures.

Packaging specifications



Breaks down and digests coarse substrates in the soil, enhancing nutrient availability
Produces a variety of enzymes, including amylase, cellulase, lipase, protease, xylanase, and esterase
A completely natural, non-toxic biological soil conditioner
Promotes plant growth and health
Regulates and improves soil structure
Establishes a healthy and diverse microbial ecosystem in the soil
Remains active under various temperature conditions with both aerobic and anaerobic functions


CD BioSciences is a well-known professional company in the industry. We provide a wide range of bio-environmental products, including bio-based materials, biomass fuels, green building materials, bio-environmental enzymes, bio-environmental microorganisms, etc. Please feel free to explore.

Our products and services are for research use only and cannot be used for any clinical purposes.


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