Beauveria Bassiana

Catalog Number B-1068

Description Beauveria bassiana is an entomopathogenic fungus that targets various insects, including whiteflies, thrips, aphids, psyllids, mealybugs, beetles, plant bugs, and weevils. The fungus is effective when its spores contact the host insect. After infection, Beauveria bassiana grows rapidly inside the insect, consuming its nutrients and producing toxins. Upon the host's death, the fungus covers the carcass with a white mold that generates additional spores. This fungus is capable of controlling multiple life stages of a wide range of soft-bodied insects in greenhouse, field, and nursery environments.

Packaging specifications

• Bacteria count: 1×10^10 cfu/g
• Formulation type: wettable powder
• Moisture: 8%
• 1 kg or 25 kg per bag


• Whitefly
• Aphids
• Thrips
• Mealy bugs
• Beetles


• Integrated suppression of a range of common pests
• Effective at all life stages, showing optimal performance at low densities
• Enhances application flexibility, especially before and after harvest
• Innovative resistance management strategy to alleviate pressure on traditional insecticides
• Complementary to the release of beneficial species

Mode Of Action

• Beauveria bassiana infects insects by spore adhesion and germination on the insect's cuticle within 0–12 hours. The fungus then grows through the cuticle, proliferates inside the insect, drains its nutrients, and causes death within 24–48 hours.


• Dilution: Use 2-3 grams per liter, applying with 500-2500 liters per hectare of water to ensure thorough coverage without runoff.
• Timing: Apply when insect pests first appear.
• Reapplication: Repeat every 3-10 days as needed to maintain control, based on plant growth, insect activity, and other factors.
• Single Application: If using one application for control, treat when eggs begin hatching but before significant damage occurs.


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