Bacillus Thuringiensis Pesticide

Bacillus Thuringiensis Pesticide


Bacillus thuringiensis is a microbial insecticide used for biological control of caterpillars and various borer species. It operates by introducing bacterial spores and toxins into the insect larvae as they feed on plants. These toxins quickly disrupt the larvae's digestive system, causing them to stop eating within minutes and die within 2-5 days. With a 4-hour reentry interval (REI), Thuricide is well-suited for use on edible crops and in nurseries to manage pests such as gypsy moths, armyworms, inchworms, cankerworms, tent caterpillars, cabbage loopers, and tomato hornworms.

Packaging specifications

Strains available: BTK/BTA/BTI
Specification: BT 32000 IU/mg & 16000 IU/mg
Formulation type: Wettable powder
Solubility: 100% water soluble




Biological insecticide for controlling moth larvae (caterpillars)
Stable performance
Easily mixable wettable powder
Safe for predatory insects and the environment
Non-chemical resistant
Can be applied up to harvest day

Mode Of Action

Bacillus thuringiensis is a crystal-producing bacterium effective against various insect pests, particularly Lepidoptera. It produces two main toxins: parasporal crystals (endotoxins) and exotoxins. Parasporal crystals quickly paralyze the insect's gut, leading to starvation and death within 2 days. Exotoxins act more slowly, affecting the insect during molting by inhibiting RNA synthesis. For optimal results, it should be applied 2–3 days before conventional chemical agents and is most effective on younger pests.


Initial Application: Apply 0.75-1.5 kg per hectare at the first sign of egg-laying or newly-hatched worms (1st instar larvae).
Reapplication: Repeat every 7-14 days, depending on plant growth rate, insect activity, and rainfall post-application.
Timing: Apply early in the morning or late in the evening when air is calm.
Mixing and Application: The product mixes instantly with water. Follow the instructions on the application sheet.
Coverage: Ensure thorough spraying of both the top and bottom of leaf surfaces for complete control.


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