Algal Biomass

Biofuel technology has evolved for four generations, and the focus of biomass feedstock as a concern has shifted from food crops, oil crops, and agroforestry waste to algae, which has unique advantages. Algae biomass is characterized by its wide distribution, abundant biomass, high photosynthetic efficiency, and short growth cycle, and can be processed into a wide range of products such as biodiesel, biobutanol, acetone, ethanol, and glycerol.

CD BioSciences is a professional bio-environmental company specializing in providing clients with high-quality algae biomass products. Our products can be applied in biofuel production, wastewater treatment, and the development of biodegradable and environmentally friendly packaging materials.

Catalog Number Product Name Order Quantity
AB-6846 Chloromonas Asteroidea Inquiry cart
AB-6847 Chlamydomonas Desmidii Inquiry cart
AB-6848 Fasciculochloris Mexicana Inquiry cart
AB-6849 Elakatothrix Obtusata Inquiry cart
AB-6850 Scytonema Hofmanni Inquiry cart
AB-6851 Chamaesiphon Sp. Inquiry cart
AB-6852 Chlorocystis Kornmannii Inquiry cart
AB-6853 Chlamydomonas Perpusillus Inquiry cart
AB-6854 Pseudanabaena Sp. Inquiry cart
AB-6855 Phormidium Okenii Inquiry cart

Our products and services are for research use only and cannot be used for any clinical purposes.

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